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- "REALMS OF THE CAT" a book by Susan Kite
"REALMS OF THE CAT" a book by Susan Kite
Realms of the Cat by Susan Kite (in paperback)
TB is perfectly happy as a free city cat until he learns he has lived another life in an alternate universe. The human girl in his former family is in danger and TB is assigned to go through an interdimensional portal and protect her. Instead of protecting her, he has made it possible for someone to kidnap her. Now TB must gather a team of cats and dogs to go back through the portal and rescue her. At the same time, he must figure out why all of the city’s dogs are disappearing.
Review by: Cheryl Anderson, owner Smoky Mtn. Cat House
Although this book is recommended for pre-teens and young adults, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's a fun journey of very clever animals trying to rescue their beloved human from some nefarious characters. I especially loved TB, a black cat with "catitude". This book had a lot of twists and turns that made it hard to put down. Susan Kite weaves a good tale and I highly recommend it no matter your age. Available in store and on our website.
Susan Kite is an Army brat; which means she grew up everywhere. She earned two degrees at Utah State University, and began dabbling in writing. However, she didn't get serious until her children were grown. Now it is a contagious disease and she doesn't want to be cured!
Her first novel, My House of Dreams was written after several visits to the Mission San Luis Rey. A science-fiction novel, The Mendel Experiment, was published in April, 2015 by World Castle Publishing. The sequels, Blue Fire and The Power Stone of Alogol, followed. The Mendel Experiment came in second in a Royal Palm Literary competition. Her most recent novel, also by World Castle, is Realms of the Cat, a middle-grade fantasy. Soon to be released by Doodle and Peck is a children's book, The Legend of Billy Bob Flybottom.
The author worked in public school libraries for thirty-five years, most recently in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She retired in 2017. Ms. Kite has been married to the love of her life, Daniel, for over 40 years. They have two children and seven grandchildren and are owned by an opinionated chiweenie-terrier and a manic black cat.